Mental Health Issues: Three Top Signs In Older Adults

Looking after our emotional and psychological wellbeing is central to keeping us healthy and happy. That’s why we should know the signs of mental health issues, for our sake and that of our loved ones.

Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases can have a huge impact on your mood and outlook on life. Symptoms to look out for include loss of appetite, confusion, and panic attacks. Here are three most common symptoms you may notice in people with mental issues.

Elderly man discussing his mental health problems with doctor while keeping the social distance.

1. Long-Lasting Depression Is A Mental Health Issue

Depression has major effects on wellbeing and quality of life, so it must be taken seriously. Long-lasting depression may be triggered by big lifestyle changes, changes in mobility and independence or new, serious health conditions.

Long-lasting depression can sap your energy and stop you doing the activities you enjoy. You may feel tired, lethargic, unmotivated, helpless, or simply empty inside. These are all signs of a mental health issue.

It’s vital to get support from medical staff, therapists and other professionals who can help those suffering from depression.

2. Memory Loss Is Another Mental Health Issue

Occasional forgetfulness is common in people of all ages. However, persistent memory loss is a sign of a more serious mental health problem. Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia may be responsible for memory loss.

Memory loss is also linked to a change in medication, stress, anxiety, and bereavement in older adults. You may have trouble completing familiar tasks or difficulty recalling recent events. Memory loss can be frustrating, disruptive, and even debilitating, depending on its severity.

3. Social Isolation

Humans by nature are social beings – we have always lived in communities. Social isolation tends to be more prevalent among older adults and that can have damaging effects on mental health.

Loneliness often happens as we age, as our horizons diminish, and our social circle reduces. This could be due to eyesight or hearing loss or new health challenges.

Social isolation is linked to anxiety, depression and a general deterioration in mental health. Humans need social interaction to feel wanted. Long-term social withdrawal may be a sign of a more serious illness. There is also a stigma associated with loneliness. Sometimes it is difficult to get the support you need from your family or friends.

Activities such as doing word games, puzzles, sudoku, and quizzes stimulate the brain and are good for your mental health. 

At Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY we do everything we can to ensure that our clients enjoy life to the full. So, we encourage clients to engage in fun leisure activities that stimulate conversation.

We pride ourselves on our great facilities for fitness and rehab to suit the needs of our clients. Looking after our clients’ mental health is one of our top priorities.

Feel free to contact us if would like to find out how we can help the elderly and people with TBI with mental health issues. We accept most insurance plans and private care and we constantly help with smoothing out any issues you might have. And we certainly know how to deal with and support people with mental issues. 

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.