Is Yoga Worth It for Neurological Conditions?

As yoga is becoming increasingly popular, more people find peace and health benefits in its practice. Many who do yoga say it reduces stress, brings them peace of mind, helps them deeply relax, improves their mental and physical health. Some suggest that yoga might even help to manage signs of neurological conditions.

If you’re dealing with a neurological problem, it’s worth discussing yoga with your doctor as part of your treatment plan and a commentary therapy alongside conventional medicine. It’s an inclusive activity suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

While it is important to understand that yoga is not a panacea for neurological conditions, but may offer symptom management and bolster overall well-being, particularly when integrated with other recommended treatments.

Elderly woman doing yoga for neurological conditions

Yoga and Neurological Conditions

Yoga is thought to help with brain and mental health problems through different ways, like the movements you do and the breathing and meditation parts. These things might trigger the release of brain chemicals that could make you feel better mentally. Let’s see how it can help with the symptoms of brain conditions.

Stress reduction

Yoga and its breathing exercises do help to reduce stress. Taking deep breaths sends more oxygen to your heart, lungs, and brain. This triggers your body’s relaxation mode, easing any anxiety or stress you might feel.

When you regularly take time for deep breathing, especially at your desk, you lower the levels of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a natural chemical that makes you feel stressed.

Yoga involves physical movements and stretches that release tension from the muscles and promote relaxation for people with neurological conditions. As the body becomes more relaxed, the mind follows suit, reducing overall stress levels.

Sharpens brain

Yoga targets specific parts of your brain that are important for memory, attention, thinking, and language. It’s like giving your brain a workout, just like lifting weights does for your muscles.

Studies using brain scans have found that people who do yoga regularly have a thicker cerebral cortex (which handles information processing) and hippocampus (which is crucial for learning and memory) compared to those who don’t do yoga. These parts of the brain tend to shrink as you get older, but yoga seems to slow down this shrinkage. This suggests that yoga might help prevent memory decline as you age and in people with neurological conditions.

Improves mood, helps with depression

Many people turn to yoga not just to stay healthy but also to help with certain health issues such as depression which is very common these days.

Yoga involves activities like breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques, which are all helpful for managing depression. Those using yoga for depression say that it’s affordable, easy to do, and have numerous health benefits, not only for mental issues but also for physical conditions.

Widely accepted and seen as a holistic approach yoga involves the mind, body, and spirit.

Also, doing yoga regularly has been connected to increased levels of chemicals in the brain which help to boost mood and decrease feelings of depression and anxiety, which are also common in people dealing with neurological conditions.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.