Is Excess Mucus in the Intestines Serious and What Causes It

Excess mucus in the intestines can be caused by various factors, and it may be associated with different gastrointestinal conditions. Whether it is serious or not depends on the underlying causes. In some cases, increased mucus production may be a normal response to irritation, infection or dehydration and may resolve on its own. However, persistent or severe symptoms, especially those combined with other signs, should be addressed.

If you are experiencing excess mucus and other symptoms such as pain, weight loss, severe fatigue or dehydration, seek medical advice. It’s also important if you have had this condition for a long time.

Drinking water and keeping yourself hydrated in the best remedy to stop excess phelgm and mucus in the throat.

Causes of Excess Mucus in the Intestines

Excess mucus, especially prolonged mucus, in the intestines can be caused by various factors, and it may be associated with different gastrointestinal or other conditions. Let’s see what might cause them:

Infection and parasites

Infection is one of the most common cause.  When you get an infection in your intestines, like a bacterial or viral infection, it can cause more mucus. Irritation or inflammation cause excessive amount of mucus. It’s actually your body’s way of trying to get rid of the infection.

Occasionally you can get it when something irritates your intestines, like spicy food or something you’re allergic to. It is your body that might produce more mucus as a protective response.

Parasites invasion can also cause excess mucus in the intestines. In response to the presence of parasites the body may increase mucus production as a protective mechanism to trap and expel the invaders.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a more serious condition, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD causes more mucus in the stomach.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is, however, a less severe but common condition that can affect how much mucus your intestines make.

Gluten and food allergies

Celiac Disease may cause excess mucus in the intestines. This is a condition where your body reacts badly to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It can cause inflammation in the intestines, leading to more mucus.

Apart from gluten and dairy, other food intolerances can also lead to increased mucus production as your body tries to protect your intestines from what it perceives as harmful substances.

Cystic fibrosis, polyps and tumors

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that can cause mucus to become thick and sticky, which can affect various organs including the intestines.

Abnormal growths in the colon, such as polyps or tumors, may cause changes in bowel habits and increased mucus production. It’s essential to investigate these symptoms, as some growths can be precursors to colorectal cancer.

Medication and other causes of excess mucus in the intestines

Some medication, including antibiotics, can irritate the intestinal lining and cause excess mucus in the intestines.

There can be numerous other causes, such as gastrointestinal obstruction, malabsorption, infectious colitis, gastroenteritis or other reasons that can cause overproduction of mucus in the stomach. Make sure to seek medical advice.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.