What Can You Expect in Geriatric Rehabilitation – Fairview

Seniors often have medical needs requiring specialized care rarely necessary for younger individuals. Whether they are dealing with chronic conditions, disabling impairments, or a loss of function after a fall or because of osteoporosis, proper treatment is crucial. Rather than focusing strictly on only diseases, geriatric rehab covers all medical issues and complications affecting the well-being of seniors. So, what can you expect in geriatric rehabilitation?

Geriatric rehab involves various customizable rehabilitation therapies designed to match the needs of specific patients. It includes physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as medical care, cognitive therapy, and therapeutic recreation activities. The exercises and activities are tailored to ensure individuals reach their goals, prolonging their independence.

For more information on the benefits of geriatric rehab, check out the following sections.

Nurse providing Geriatric Rehabilitation to an elderly woman.

Therapies You Can Expect In Geriatric Rehabilitation

As we age, our bodies wear down, resulting in various medical conditions and diseases. These include arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, COPD, balance issues, and muscle weakness. Neurological problems are also more common, such as strokes, dementia, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

For those with mental conditions, the combination of therapeutic recreation, emotional support, and cognitive therapy is beneficial. Regular sessions with trained professionals in these areas help to maintain mental, emotional, and physical functions. A few other therapies are also included in geriatric rehab, which we’ll discuss below.

Physical therapy

Common ailments and conditions of the elderly cause issues with mobility, strength, balance, flexibility, and pain. Physical therapy is one of the most important therapies you can expect geriatric rehabilitation, which combats all these concerns. A trained physical therapist evaluates your condition and creates a customized workout plan to match your needs.

Though they may seem unrelated, physical therapy also benefits those with neurological issues. Exercise improves blood flow, circulating oxygenated blood to the brain and the rest of the body. It also releases hormones that improve brain functions and sleep habits while decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Occupational therapy

Age-related frailty, medical conditions, and diseases may make performing daily activities tricky. In such cases, occupational therapy is something you can expect in geriatric rehabilitation. A trained occupational therapist designs your treatment based on visual, cognitive, and physical limitations.

Whether individuals suffer from neurological, orthopedic, or physical issues, therapy can help improve self-care skills, such as dressing, bathing, or eating. More complex tasks, like cooking, shopping, or gardening, will also be covered if needed. Over time, you’ll regain your confidence and independence.

Speech therapy

Speech therapy is recommended for those with illnesses or injuries inhibiting communication, language, and swallowing abilities. Other areas speech therapy covers include swallowing, memory, attention, thinking, problem-solving, reading, and writing. Therapists work with individuals, offering strategies and techniques to reach their goals and regain these functions.

Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn, NY

At Fairview, we offer all therapies you expect in geriatric rehabilitation. These include medical care, the three rehab therapies such as physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as cognitive therapy and therapeutic recreation. We offer hot meals and healthy snacks. Our facility also features state-of-the-art fitness and gym areas supervised by therapists trained to help you meet your goals.



This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.