Steps To Smile Your Way to Health and Longevity

Smiling is more than just an expression that tells others you’re happy. Every time you smile, endorphins are released, raising mood-boosting serotonin levels, reducing pain, and lowering the cortisol in your body. Smiling also has other positive effects, such as lowering your heart rate and reducing blood pressure. This means that you can smile for health reasons as well as for happiness.

At Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY, we understand the importance of smiling. As well as rehab therapies and medical care, we also offer a list of fun activities, such as daily games, concerts, and music programs. We understand that smiling and laughter are significant factors in healing mental and neurological disorders, as well as physical health. For more information on how you can smile to improve your health, keep reading.

Senior woman smiling for health during a socialization event at Fairview ADC

Smiling More Improves Health

There are several reasons why you should smile for health reasons as well as for fun. First of all, smiling boosts your overall health. It releases endorphins that help you relax, which then improves your immune functions. This helps to keep ailments like colds and the flu at bay.

Smiling also has other physical benefits, like lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, while regulating your breathing. This reduces the risk of heart disease and other dangerous conditions. Smiling even distracts you when doing physical activities, which can help increase your endurance for a stronger body.

Heal mental issues with a smile

As well as overall health, when you smile, you can also improve any mental issues you’re struggling with. Every time you smile, you’re body releases neurotransmitters, which have varying effects.

For instance, serotonin is an antidepressant that can help reduce depression symptoms while boosting your mood. Dopamine also affects mood, as well as behavior, cognition, learning, and memory for a positive influence on mental health. Endorphins mimic the effects of a mild pain reliever, which can also improve your outlook since you feel better.

When these neurotransmitters are released, you notice a variety of mental health benefits. Symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety are reduced. Your worries decrease as you become more relaxed. Smile also has a positive effect on your physical health since the two are so closely connected.

Improved hormonal balance

The more you smile, the more of those hormones are released. You don’t even need to actually be happy for this to occur. Studies have shown that smiling even when sad can release those neurotransmitters.

The positive effects, including mood boosts, reduced stress, and pain relief, all kick in. This tricks your brain into thinking you’re happy and actually makes you happier. Over time, when you smile for health, those hormones will balance out for a better overall outlook.

Once those hormones are released, you’ll also notice the physical benefits of lowered blood pressure and heart rate. When your body is no longer stressed, it can start to heal many of its current health issues. Many of those ailments may even be cured, so you’ll be healthier as well as happier with each grin.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.