Maintaining Your Independence: What Can Elderly People Do?

Maintaining your independence as you get older is probably one of your main concerns. No one likes to be a burden on other people, whether family, friends, or care-givers. With the right advice, and a certain degree of determination and motivation, you can stay independent for longer.

Fun and recreation activities are as important as exercises and healthy eating. Maintaining your independence into advanced old age is not only about doing your exercises or eating a healthy diet. It is also about having a positive outlook on life, a sense of fun, and a willingness to engage socially.

Check out how doing fun things can help you maintain your independence for longer.

How Fun Activities Help Maintain Your Independence

Fun almost always involve chatting, playing, exchanging ideas, or gossiping with other people. There is nothing better for stimulating the brain than a good conversation, a discussion, or just sharing a joke. To a very large extent social interaction and having fun as often as possible help maintain your well-being and independence.

Taking part in games or competitions is a great way to stay active while enjoying the company of others. Outings and live music events are common recreational activities put on by senior and adult day care centers. Others are quizzes, singalongs, aerobics, team games, and even playing with pets.

Elderly woman doing exercise on treadmill alone maintaining her independence and fitness to treat Sciatic Back Pain.

Dancing is a fantastic way of relieving stress and having fun and a laugh with others. Dancing is a huge hit among people of all ages, including the elderly. Moving to the music is a great therapy – physically and emotionally. It improves your posture as well as your mood. It is not only good for the heart, lungs and muscles but is a great way to make new friends. It keeps you young at heart and therefore helps you maintain your independence.

Enjoy life to the full

While you are alive and relatively healthy you should make every effort to enjoy life to the full. Walking in a park or taking part in a recreational activity are the small things that make life worth living. Don’t pass up an opportunity to take part in a singalong, national festivity, or a religious celebration. They are great ways to make new friends, exchange smiles and have fun.

Music is a great stress-reliever, so any activities involving the music you love puts you in a good mood. Certain songs will help you remember the good times, too.

Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY has a varied recreational program to suit all tastes and preferences. We pride ourselves not only on the standard professional therapies we offer, but on bringing people together to have fun. That’s because we know that maintaining your independence for longer is all about your stress levels and emotional well-being.

Keep yourself busy with fun activities, laughs and happy thoughts. Do this regularly, join senior centers, meet new friends, have fun and stay positive. You will greatly improve your health and transform your life.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.