Excess Mucus In The Throat – Causes And What Works Best
Though you may not be aware of it, the glands in your throat produce lots of mucus every day. Mucus, also known as phlegm, is essential for keeping your respiratory tract moist and healthy, and wards off infection. Excess mucus, however, can be unpleasant and bothersome and can cause a number of issues, including swallowing problems. Let’s take a look at what causes a build-up of mucus and some of the remedies that work best.
What Causes Excess Mucus In The Throat?
The stomach, nose, sinuses, and throat can all produce mucus, so getting a good diagnosis requires a medical examination. Possible causes of excess mucus can be food allergies, an acid reflux from the stomach, or an infection. The consistency of mucus in the throat also varies depending on what is going on in your body.

Common causes of too much mucus in the throat include a cold or flu, acute bronchitis, sinusitis or pneumonia. When mucus runs from the back of the nose down the throat after a meal, this could indicate an allergy. Causes can be mild, chronic, or severe (the onset of congestive heart failure), so be sure to seek medical advice.
Symptoms of mucus overproduction
Symptoms of excess mucus are coughing up phlegm, shortness of breath, or congestion in the throat. If the cause of mucus in the throat is a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, symptoms may be different. They may include fever, itchy eyes, a runny nose, headache, and difficulty breathing. Frequent throat-clearing may be a symptom of stomach problems, as mucus formation is a protective mechanism against acidity.
What foods help excess mucus?
Some food and drinks tend to lead to a build-up mucus, while others relieve it. Things that help include broccoli, berries, oranges and greens, fatty fish like trout, and olive oil. Cayenne pepper, ginger, lemon, and herbal teas are also beneficial. Things that can aggravate mucus build-up include milk, soy, cheese, yoghurt, caffeine, processed meat, and alcohol.
Further tips and remedies
Many people with excess mucus find that sleeping with their head raised on an extra pillow helps. This is because elevating the head and shoulders in this way relieves congested nasal passages. Quit smoking and stay away from irritants and polluted air whenever possible. Blow your nose, inhale steam, gargle with salt and warm water, raise the humidity, diffuse essential oils, drink warm liquids. Remember dehydration is also bad, so make sure to drink a lot of water.
If your doctor diagnoses an allergy, allergy medications may help address the problem of excess mucus. Be aware of your swallowing and if you think something unusual is happening get medical advice. Another tip is not to eat a large meal before going to bed as this can cause indigestion and the production of more mucus.
Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY pays close attention to the symptoms and causes of excess mucus as part of its comprehensive medical care regime. We provide education and guidance as to how to manage health issues in the elderly as well as people with neurological conditions.
This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
I have nothing medical wrong but have an over excessive amount of phlegm all time
Same with me. I especially had so much during my first pregnancy and I had to keep clearing my throat.
I too have developed this during my pregnancy whenever I cough to try clear my throat I throw up whatever I eaten.
Almost certainly from allergies
This is exactly the same situation with me, I can’t believe this!
My friend constantly has phlegm running at the back if his throat, he coughs all the time. The medical team here in nz have no clue of how to fix it let alone diagnose him with anything. Hes been like this for 13 years! Enough, need to kill this.
I had the same. It stopped when I changed country. Probably the climate wasn’t good for me or there were some allergens in the air, water etc.
Doctors are so overrated – basically useless for anything other than mechanical repairs as in joints, bones, ligaments etc. Cutting out things, putting in things, sewing you up again, prescribing drugs – that’s about all they’re good for.
I have fells like to much mucus stick in back of the throat why
I also have to much phlegm in my throat. I find pooping helps a lot.
I’m in the same situation it’s been going on for about 15 years no matter what I try nothing works and it gets annoying I get black outs lose my vision hearing and whole body tingels let me know if you find anything that work thanks
I also get the body tingles then I get panics attacks because I get scared
I’m realizing dairy causes some of this. Altho I’m down to 1% and only use a little in my coffee, it’s always worse afterwards–including with ice cream.😭 However, it’s gotten worse since starting Trulicity, a diabetes drug. One of its side effects is thyroid cancer, so hypochondriac that I am, I’m thinking the worst. Luckily, appt with doc next week. In the meantime, no more dairy.
My name is Judy, I have been having this strong cough for almost 15 years now. Living with it is terrible when my throat is so very itchy. No proper sleep or rest. it’s very disturbing and embarrassing in front of people. Please help in any way.
Where you able to identify the issue with your recent doctor visit?
Black Tea, Coffee, food contains caffiene, Fresh Juices like Grape fruit, Oranges carrot apple. Green vegetables and salad like onion Ginger garlic etc can cure this.
Avoid Black Tea, Coffee, food contains caffiene. Use Fresh Juices like Grape fruit, Oranges carrot apple. Green vegetables and salad like onion Ginger garlic etc can cure this.
Ok so basically stop ice cream and coffee my 2 favorite things
Because sitting here sick didn’t suck enough
(Insert sad face here)
I was just given what used to be called Tessalon Beads..little golden bead looking pills.. given now for lasting cough after covid..it helps with the throat clearing and cough..not driving others crazy any more with the constant throat clearing.
I have a lot of mucus in my throat I have a deep cracking cough I only cough when I feel like I have mucus in my throat sometimes stuff comes up and sometimes it don’t i have been to doctor a few times and seems like I am getting know helpi I do have acid reflux
Lol..I agree very hard to give up.
Frequently removing of mucus from my throat, sneezing, coughing and difficult breathing
So I know a lazy n poor diet causes phlem but I haven’t been eating shit like crazy && I’ve been non stop spitting for months even to the point I can’t breath I’m gaging on phlem throwing up that’s how bad it is I just need to do the dark grape diet detox for 2 3 weeks dr sebi style but I love food ., because mucus isn’t just in one spot if you have non stop issues with phlem it’s in and around organs atp
I’ve been having this issue for a few years now and can’t figure out how to get rid of it. Not only do I have access phlegm in my throat, but after I eat or drink anything, I tend to spit up either chunks of mucus or foamy mucus. It’s awful and embarrassing. I’ve cut out dairy and gluten but my issues continue to get worse. My GI doctor keeps giving me different tests but he’s not finding anything. My chest hurts all the time and my neck does too. I don’t know what to do.
Did you find a solution or the cause? Have identical symptoms and it’s ruining my life.
I’ve had this annoying problem for more than 20 years. I’ve been scoped three times (nasal and oral), had allergy scratch tests (on my back and both arms), tried exclusion diet, nasal sprays, and take medication for acid reflux, I’m hydrated, humidified and air purified – you get the picture. Tests have been normal – and treatments do not work. When I see articles like this I roll my eyes.
You have described me exactly. 18 years of no resolution every test imaginable. The frustration with this gets me down all too often. Wondering if you have this one bit of positivity that I have. When I hike or walk I do not cough the entire time. Sit down and I start hacking. Doctors have no comment on that ???
Same here. I have had alergy test at the age of 14 mainly severe allergies to ragweed pollen, but also some to cat dander. I am constantl;y battling this allergy issue. I have tried various medications including having had the weekly allergy shot for 5 years and none of it works at all. But then maybe that’s because of the medication I use to have to take for epileptic seizures until I had the laser brain surgery completed at the age of 20 going on 21. Now, this allergy issue had taken a new turn to the point every so often, it causes food to get to get caught up in my trachea, and the only way to clear it out is to go to the bathroom and get it all out of my trachea into the toilet with that big wad of mucus like a cat coughing up that big wad of cat hair after cleaning themselves.
I have thick mucus in the back of my throat and I wake up where it has build up and I’m trying to cough it up where it is in my air way.any solutions.
I am suffering from mucus in my throat constantly already five years and also my ears get clogged often. I went to doctors here in Petah Tikva and I did all possible tests. They gave me different kinds of antibiotics and antihistamines. Nothing helped. I desperately need help. It is very embarrassing for me that I need to spit out mucus all the time, and that I need to touch my nose to unclog my ears all the time. It is very embarrassing and nothing has helped.. and people say that the medical system in Israel is supposed to be good.. it is only good if a terrorist stabbed you in the back :(
I now truly believe certain foods are trigger foods. I had a blood test over a year ago and certain foods are high inflammatory. At that time I was having issues with one ear. Have a F.I.T. test and see which foods are high inflammatory. I have cut back on most, but this a.m. woke up totally blocked, coughing, to the point of having to lay down on my side to clear my airway over 15 minutes and I know what I ate yesterday! Stop eating foods containg white potatoes, egg yolk, egg white, turmeric, ginger, salmon, whole wheat, certain dairy products, certain nuts, certain veggies -cabbage, vinegar. Everyone is different…but this a.m., for me, was scary and something that never happened before to this level…I have struggled since childhood after eating and now I know why…the food is producing a reaction.
Dean here, the only thing that helps my phlemmy throat is hall’s mentholyptous cough drops, I suck on them alot
After smoking cigarettes for 5 days, I realized that I have a mucus back of my throat and I tried to clear it out it won’t clear all the way so I freaked out few times it’s been four months. I did go see ear nose and throat doctor he used look into my nasal and throat did not see anything prescribed me nasal drops and didn’t work , decongestants, nasal drops nothing worked. I am going to see gastroenterologist soon. They said it might be GERD. Every time I eat bread or caloric food the mucus appears in my throat because of I can’t swallow it all I kept having panic attacks or anxiety. Please help me any advice. Also at night bed time I feel it and hard time felling sleep.
I have found that when I eat less or fast, the phlegm/mucus clears considerably.
I’ve been dealing with this since December 23, 2022 when I tested positive for RSV. In September my AC1 was high and they said I had Diabetes and started me on Metformin. I’ve had bad acid reflux and am on medication for that as well. I know acid reflux can create excess mucus in the throat as well. My ENT looked at my throat and didn’t see anything to worry about but the constant feeling of something in my throat drives me crazy.
Mucus and congestion after I eat anything. My ENT doctor wants to do a coblation. Not sure if I want to do this.
I have been coughing up phlegm for many years, to no avail. For a while I thought that my symptoms and struggles coughing was because I was doing something wrong, eating the wrong foods etc I need help before I cough myself to…..
I too suffer from PND and stuffy nose all the time. What makes matters worse is I also have COPD and acid reflux, triple the problems. I ordered this device called Air Phisio from Amazon. There is no medication. You blow into a tube and a metal ball vibrates. This action loosens mucus to be coughed up. It is a little pricey, but does work. Check it out.
I know how all of you feel. The mucus & phlegm accumulation started in Feb 2023. And like all of you, it’s driving me crazy bc I don’t know how to cough it up, I can only clear my throat constantly. It’s very difficult to deal with the constant throat clearing. I’ve had an endoscopy, a Bravo where a camera is attached to the esophagus to see what’s going on in that area & then it unattached itself. The camera revealed no acid reflux. What’s next? I don’t know, maybe a different doctor. A You tube video from a Dr. Eric Berg suggests other home remedies. He’s very convincing, so I’m going to try some of those remedies. That’s all for now. Keep you posted. OC 😊
For me this problem started after I first got Strepp Throat and then it turned into Acute Bronchitis. That was about 4 months ago and I still have it. No other big symptoms. Just build up of thick mucus in back of my throat and cant even cough it up usually.. it just sits there making it hard to breath and boy if I drink something and just a few drops go down my wind pipe.. it nearly chokes me to death trying to breathe again. I’m starting to think I now have Chronic Bronchitis. I also have MS which is an immune dissorder, but I’ve had that for 20 yrs and never had this prob before. Maybe I have COPD now that I’m in my 50s?
Am experiencing this problem since june 2023 till date what should i do
Like everyone else saying had for years, tried this and that. Went to the Dr & That Dr for procedures. Throat Scopes. Colon
I’ve landed in ER 2x. Went to 3 different doctors. Had many tests. Been on many different prescriptions. Omitted from my diet.
It heals or should II say not so irritated or noticeable when I work on.eating less at a meal, not mixing so many foods together. What I mean is have a small meal but not having wine n dessert and appetizers etc. Just keep it simple. Leaky gut!! Paid big $$ for food testing, ended up feeling better. Taking glutgenics. Licorice Root iss very healing and Aloe. It’s all in there. Powder form. Very Healing. Trust me. This is so annoying. It feels like a disease, that will never go away. I had it under control. Gotta get back on it. But yes. Acidity foods will irritate things more. Coffee, alcohol, dairy, cold, meats, potatoes, etc. Find what doesn’t work for you. Food diary and how you feel. Less clearly your throat. What about mucinex? I just had surgery with that hose down my throat. Fun times. Good luck. Keep looking for what works for you.
I thought my issue was from starting lung medicine for pulmonary arterial hypertension. It started then, Every morning it takes hours to clear my throat, if not, IT goes into my lungs. Twice I told the dr I dreamt I was drowning in water and gasped. He said I was drowning because the mucous can’t go down due to my esophagus problems, so it backs up at night into my airway. 2013 this started. I tried the netty pot. I am on Gerd medicine, 2. I am so disgusted with this. I call no one the morning until the ritual of clearing this out is done. Recently I read, first thing in the am, bend over the toilet and gag it up. It helped. Gravity works. I sure hope someone figures this out. Pneumonia will set in. Good luck to everyone.
Clear mucus/phlegm from my nose and throat started about 8 years ago after brushing/cleaning my teeth which causes me to keep swallowing it.
In addition, in the past year or so, I also get the same symptom with everything I eat or drink – especially hot foods and hot drinks, and eating sweet or spicy snacks. This would cause me to produce excess clear mucus/phlegm for about 2 hours, then it would stop – until after I eat or drink anything again. This would go on throughout the day, day after day, and after brushing/cleaning my teeth. The situation has gotten so bad now by swallowing the stuff makes me feel nauseous and affects my glans, and my throat hurts because of the constant swallowing of the stuff. I have to try to avoid swallowing too much by using 2 plastic soup containers to spit in. One I keep in my bedroom and the other in my living room.
I also suffer from bloating after eating or drinking. I can’t eat a full meal, nor I can’t drink a mug of any liquid. To control the discomfort, I have to snack and drink a small cup of liquid each time.
I had my gallbladder taken out in 2014, and I wondering if this has anything to do with my medical conditions explained above.
I have the same problem for over 5years now and I have really tried all possible ways but still , just don’t know how to get out of it please I really need help cause I don’t feel my self at all.
Intermediate fasting helps. Eat 6 Hours, fast 18 hours. Try it. During fasting, only water is allowed. This detoxes your body and renews your cells
I’ve had this for two years. Thick mucus that is sometimes very disturbing. For me, it started after a flu where the globus pharyngeus formed in the throat. After that this irritating mucus. I’m a pharmacist and I’ve tried a few things. To reduce saliva, sometimes an atropine-based medication or 2 drops of atropine eye drops under the tongue. Do not take more than that, as you may have a cholinergic crisis. I noticed that propranolol decreases the viscosity of mucus. I’m very anxious and that certainly contributed to this process. When I don’t drink enough water, the symptoms get worse. I use a propolis spray that provides momentary relief. Gargling with just water also seems to provide relief. Seeking a psychological balance seems fundamental to me. Walking and physical exercise seem to also alleviate symptoms. I try to stay resilient but it’s not easy. I wish everyone well. I´m from Brazil.
My sinus issues started with my 1st pregnancy and only got worse with each one.
Spent MANY yrs with going to dr for the sore throat and all that. I came to learn I was only going to be back about 5 days after coming in for the follow up with all the same symptons. DECADES later, Dr Simon actually took the time to REALLY review my history and said what I needed was to simply squirt some saline in my nose.
So it seems my sinuses run Dry, and it doesn’t seem to matter if it is Raining outside. LoL
I also learned that whenever I feel it building up, GET it OUT. Blow, Cough, Hack whatever it takes.
I finally quit coffee, but turned to tea (another dehydrator) and I switched from cigarettes to vapes, which is still not good, but also made a BIG improvment.
Now in my senior yrs, I find that I have to be more aggressive in dealing with it.
I HATE water, but am forcing myself to drink it(sadly not reliably yet) and Yes, Water does do a lot for your WHOLE body – Living proof here.
I have had this problem too, for about 4 years. It will get worse after a cold or flu/infection and then last months afterward. It is very bad after I eat. I am beginning to wonder if it is yeast. There are supplements to fight yeast. It is a very disturbing condition and I hope that I can fight this with probiotics for the gut and anti-yeast supplements.
Thank you for giving us insights into mucus causes and telling us what foods are ideal. This is highly appreciated.