Negative Emotions And Bones: Is There Any Connection?

Our bones provide the structure, the skeleton, on which muscles, tissues, organs, and the rest of the body depends. Don’t ignore your bones or think that they can be damaged only by a physical knock. Emotions and bones are part of the human experience and linked in more ways than you might think.

Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY pays special attention to the mental health of our registrants. We offer a recreation therapy program that includes fun activities, calming yoga sessions, emotional support, and social services. Our TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and geriatric group enjoy our activities, and benefit from their healing power for both emotions and bones.

The information we have pulled together below on the links between mental health and bones is for educational purposes only. Be sure to seek medical advice if you have bone-related health issues.

Nurse providing care for elderly woman with happy emotions

Happy Thoughts and Emotions – Healthy Body and Bones

When you are depressed or anxious you may have a poor diet or fail to exercise sufficiently. You may forget to take your medication or tend to have a poor social life. Being in a low mood over an extended period can adversely affect bone health in men and women.

There is growing evidence of a connection between emotions and bones that we should not ignore. A 2014 study published in Psychosomatic Medicine Journal indicates, for instance, that bone density in postmenopausal women increases among those reporting to be content with their lives. The women assessed their well-being in terms of ease of living, feelings of loneliness, and happiness in life, among others.

Both physical and mental

Osteoporosis is common in older women and it can be made worse by social isolation and unhappiness. While exercise is very important and can build up muscle and bone strength, negative thoughts and emotions can aggravate the condition.

Take great care of the whole body

The takeaway message from the above is that emotional well-being and bone health are closely linked. Never focus only on your physical health at the expense of your mental health. You need to work on your emotional and your physical health at the same time. Doing fun exercises in the company of others is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

We at Fairview Adult Day Care Center know that emotions and bones must be stimulated and healed together and never separated. Our bones are an integral part of who we are as human beings. Conversely a positive outlook on life can help you live well in a happy and healthy body.

Our brain, our feelings and our emotions are part and parcel of a functioning physical body. They interact and work together, or against each other, and determine our overall well-being. Just as negative emotions, like stress or anxiety, can damage your arteries and other organs, so they can also impact your bones.

We offer a fitness gym and physical therapy for our clients who constantly need not only exercises but also therapies to keep their bones healthy.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.