April Is Holiday Season – A Time To Recharge
Holidays are a chance to re-energize and perhaps make new friends. They represent a break in your normal routine and help you put things in perspective. For some, holidays are for rest and relaxation, for others they are a chance to see friends and family. In essence, they are an opportunity to socialize, renew old acquaintances, eat good food, and have fun.
At Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY we make a point of celebrating holidays as we know how important they are for people. Whether it’s Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, Rosh Hashanah, Eid, or Passover, they are something to look forward to. Fun activities and holidays are a talking point and a chance to reconnect and remember the good old days.
Whatever your religion or beliefs, holidays are a great time to learn about other people’s traditions and values. In the context of Fairview, they serve as great icebreakers and get people talking and socializing. What could be better for uplifting the spirits?

What do you know about Easter?
Easter is the second most important celebration in the Christian calendar after Christmas. Easter recalls the resurrection of Christ and symbolizes a time of hope and renewal. It is preceded by Good Friday, or Holy Friday, which marks the crucifixion of Christ and his death.
All Christian faiths – from Orthodox, to Roman Catholic to Protestant, as well as many other smaller denominations, celebrate Easter. It is a time for Easter eggs, which in some countries are painted with elaborate designs. It is a time for giving, for family reunions, for joy and laughter.
Children and adults love an Easter egg hunt and Easter is a great opportunity to bridge the generations with love.
What Do You Know About Passover?
In the Jewish calendar, days – including holidays – begin when night falls and end 24 hours later. They don’t fall on the same day every year but rather depend on the phases of the moon.
Passover is one of the most important Jewish celebrations in the Hebrew calendar. This year it starts in Israel on 15 April. It lasts 7 or 8 days, depending on which of two slightly different Jewish traditions are followed. In countries outside Israel, it starts after sunset on 16 April.
Passover commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites in ancient Egypt and begins with a dinner called “seder”. The dinner includes readings, drinking 4 cups of wine, recalling various events, eating special foods, singing, and other traditions.
What Does “Seder” Symbolize?
“Seder” is supposed to recall the time when the Israelites left Egypt to escape persecution. It symbolizes the passing of Israelites through the Sea of Reeds, which was miraculously opened for them by God. Once through, God closes the sea and annihilates the pursuing Egyptian legions.
Seder is a ritual as well as a dinner. It’s a 15-step feast focusing on how and why the Exodus took place. It includes bitter herbs representing affliction, making the Exodus feel as real as the festive meal and celebrations that ensue. Children kick off storytelling by asking certain questions prescribed by tradition.
One of the special foods available at a seder is “matzah”, which is like a cracker. It is supposed to remind people about their sudden escape, with no time to allow their bread to rise. On Passover, Jews may not consume anything containing grain that has risen – so no bread, cakes, pasta, or cookies.
This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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