Regular Exercises: What Happens If You Do Them Daily?

We all know that exercise is good for our health, but what exactly does it do for us? How does it improve our mental and physical health and why do doctors recommend it so wholeheartedly? To safely get the benefits of doing regular exercises, you should look to make step-by-step progress. Building up your stamina and strength slowly and comfortably is the way to do it.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of exercise and physical activities and why it’s so important for overall health.

Regular Exercises Help Prevent Diseases

Exercising will help you live longer and healthier. The benefits of physical activities are numerous, especially for the elderly. Let’s see how elderly people can benefit.

  • More strength, more independence
  • Improved brain function
  • More energy
  • Improved balance
Physical therapist helping elderly with arthritis exercises suffering from joint pain

Daily exercises, alongside a healthy diet, help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart disease. Physical activity helps slow the onset of, or lower your risk of, heart disease. In terms of diabetes, exercise helps insulin reduce blood sugar levels, keeping the disease at bay.

Regular exercise also helps lower the risk of other common diseases such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, and dementia. But before you or your loved ones launch into such exercises, seek advice from your doctor and/or physical therapist. It’s important to exercise safely and know your limits.

For example, if you have arthritis you need to do exercises that don’t aggravate your condition. This may mean sitting down with your therapist or doctor and planning an exercise routine.

Regular exercises help to keep fit and active

Regular physical activities help tackle obesity, which in turn means less pressure on the heart and more energy. Aerobic exercises get your heart and lungs working and help you control your weight. Other types of exercise such as stretching and breathing exercises are also hugely beneficial. Keeping supple and flexible, along with balancing training, can help prevent falls.

Taking regular exercise can be as simple as enjoying a dance, taking a walk in the park, or sweeping the floor. The trick is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and keep active, socially engaged, and moving. In the long run it is good for your mobility, independence, and mental health, too.

Better mood and better sleep

What many people don’t realize is that daily calisthenics release endorphins in the brain, improving your mood. Physical activities not only build muscle, bone, and stamina, it is also great for your mental health. Having a physical goal that is achievable through regular exercise is also great for self-esteem.

Another big benefit of exercise is that it tires you out to some extent and helps you sleep better. A healthy diet, social engagement, regular exercise, and a good bedtime routine are key for getting a good night’s sleep.

Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY understands the enormous benefits of daily physical activity. Our physical therapists educate clients on how to exercise safely and motivate them to improve their balance, coordination, and self-belief. Experience has taught us that regular exercises help clients live longer, healthier lives.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.