Post-Hospital Weakness and Fatigue – Regain Energy

Hospital stays are necessary when dealing with medical conditions, illnesses, or injuries. Despite the requirement of extended hospitalization, such disruptions in your routine may cause issues after discharge. Though you may have recovered from the original problem, post-hospital weakness and fatigue could result in a return trip to the hospital.

To reduce the side effects of a long-term hospital visit, customized rehab therapies may be recommended. Physical therapy helps individuals regain strength and mobility, while occupational therapy improves self-care skills. Other treatments, such as occupational therapy, are also options for those in need. Of course, knowing why post-hospital syndrome occurs is the first step, so let’s take a closer look at possible causes.

Physical therapist helping smiling senior woman with exercise to recover from Post-Hospital Weakness and Fatigue.

Why Do I Have Post-Hospital Weakness and Fatigue?

Several factors contribute to the post-hospital syndrome affecting your body and mind after discharge. These can include:

  • Stress – Being admitted to the hospital is a nerve-wracking experience. Add concern over a medical condition, injury, or surgery, and stress levels rise significantly. Other issues include a lack of control over the circumstances, dealing with various medical professionals, and the fear of not recovering. When stressed, individuals don’t sleep or eat properly. They are also flooded with stress hormones, keeping the body tense, alert, and exhausted in no time.
  • Sleep issues – As well as stress-related sleep disruptions, nurses or doctors running tests at all hours disrupt a patient’s sleep. Even when they aren’t in the room, medical personnel are passing or talking nearby, as are other patients. Pain or discomfort prevents individuals from sleeping well, leading to post-hospital weakness or fatigue.
  • Nutritional issues – Poor nutrition in hospitals occurs for various reasons. For those undergoing tests, procedures, or surgeries, food restrictions are common. Hospital food may also differ from your usual dietary choices or requirements. Stress or pain may also affect your appetite, preventing you from eating well. Ventilators or other medical devices may make eating impossible, even short-term, which causes malnutrition. Such nutritional issues can reduce physical functions, leading to bodily weakness.
  • Reduced mobility – Some injuries or medical conditions may prevent you from moving about as you normally would. Fear of worsening your condition or disrupting the medical staff may also prevent individuals from leaving their beds. Reduced activity causes decreased muscle mass, flexibility, and mobility. As physical functions decline, the more worn out and tired the body feels when forced to move again.

How do I get my energy back?

Getting your energy back when dealing with post-hospital weakness and fatigue may take some time, though it isn’t impossible. The best method is using a combination of exercise, healthy meals, and proper sleep patterns.

  • Physical therapy – This therapy may be recommended when leaving the hospital, but you can also work out safely on your own. Take it slow, adding more exercises and longer workout durations each day.
  • Nutritious diet – Eating nutritious meals containing fruits, veggies, lean meats, and other healthy options is also vital. When at home, you can also leave out any restrictions you require, including salt, gluten, or dairy.
  • Good night’s sleep – Though you may be tired during the day, try to avoid sleeping until nighttime. Getting a full night’s rest will help you recover faster, reducing the fatigue and weakness from your hospital stay.



This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.