Can Strength Training Be Effective For People Over 70?

As we age, we tend to become less physically active, and this can lead to muscle loss and weakness. We can’t stop the aging process, but research indicates that strength training for people over 70 is very beneficial. Naturally, any such training needs to be done safely and preferably with professional guidance to avoid injury.

Older people also tend to become isolated unless encouraged by friends, family and peers to be physically and socially active. Inactivity can lead to gradual loss of strength with negative consequences for overall health, including mental health.

Fairview Adult Day Care offers a supervised exercise and fitness program for people over 65 in Brooklyn NY. The facility also offers rehabilitation and recreation therapies. Contact us for more information about our wellness programs for the elderly.

Senior woman with the age of over 70 doing strength training exercise on a machine.

Strength Training For People Over 70

Exercises to build up muscle mass, strength, and power may not always be appropriate for all older people. Much will depend on your overall health condition, so speak to your doctor before you begin.

The aim of strength-building exercises is to build muscle strength, and this is best done in conjunction with aerobic exercises. Whereas aerobic exercises can improve the functioning of your heart and lungs, strength exercises focus on muscle conditioning. Strength training for the over 70s can help you stay fit, agile, active and independent for longer. It can also improve balance and coordination, and help reduce the risk of falls or broken bones.

How often can you do strength exercises?

Moderate exercise to build muscle mass should be done regularly, but how often will depend on your particular circumstances. Many physical therapists suggest that moderate strength-building exercises two or three times a week make you feel good and boost confidence. The stronger you are the more likely you are to be able to do the things you love doing.

Regular strength training for the over 70s can keep your weight in check and make your later life more rewarding. Workouts two or three times a week can be a fun social activity but don’t over-exert yourself, and keep hydrated. Do not forget and keep talking to your doctor or physical therapist to ensure you exercise safely.

Is this training good for all seniors?

A study by Harvard Medical School shows that strength training for the over 70s is generally beneficial and can help with conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiac issues and diabetes.  This is particularly the case if such training is combined with aerobics, stretching exercises and balance training. A regular exercise routine of this nature can help stave off all types of cardiovascular and neurological diseases as well as other age-related problems.

Doctors are cautious, however, about advising people over 65 with a weak heart or serious conditions to do any strength training. At the end of the day, strength training for the over 70s is a personal choice.

Call us or walk in to talk to us to find out more about our adult day care for the elderly. We offer fitness programs, rehabilitation and recreation therapies, medical care for our registrants. Feel free to come and see things for yourself.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.