Build Strength In The Elderly: Ways To Strengthen Muscles
As we age, it’s natural for our muscles to lose mass and become weaker. However, weaker muscles can lead to a gradual deterioration in health and reduce independence and quality of life. Luckily, it’s possible to remedy this because there are many ways to build strength through exercise and physical therapy.
At Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY, we know how important it is for our clients to maintain muscle strength. Seniors who exercise regularly are more independent, enjoy a higher quality of life, and live longer. Our professional staff and well-equipped facilities help elderly clients build strength.
What Causes Muscle Weakness In The Elderly?
Many seniors are more likely to lead sedentary lifestyles, but this puts them at greater risk of muscle atrophy. This can make frail and elderly people more prone to suffering a fall.
Chronic pain, illness, a lengthy recovery period after surgery tend to reduce mobility. This, in turn, can also contribute to a decline in overall strength and weakened muscles.

How To Build Strength?
To counteract this, it’s important to get the advice of a physical therapist. He or she can arrange a tailored exercise regime to suit your personal circumstances and build up your strength.
Therapists are also great at getting you motivated and moving.
How Do You Build Strength To Treat Old Age Weakness?
Physical therapists and trainers normally recommend gentle exercises to start off with, regardless of your age. They will help you get the most out of exercise machines and other equipment designed to build strength.
Treating weakness in the muscles of older people is perfectly possible and highly beneficial.
Consider these fun activities to get you moving are great ways to improve your mood and your muscles.
These will improve your balance, posture and strength. That is why they are highly recommended, as is other physical and fun activity.
Group therapy sessions are a great way to build up your strength, meet people, socialize and compare notes. A bit of rivalry in the exercise arena can provoke a few laughs too.
All these things are also great for your mental health, an important component of your overall strength and well-being.
Can Seniors Regain Lost Muscle Mass?
With the right support, frame of mind, patience, and encouragement, seniors can certainly expect to regain lost muscle mass.
To build strength, physical therapists recommend stretching, resistance and weight-bearing exercises. Stretch band exercises can boost your upper body strength, and physical therapists can show you the best tips and techniques.
Even something as simple as going for a short walk every day can help boost your overall physical health. Just a little exercise can take you far on the journey towards recovering your strength.
Contact us if you would like to learn more about our facility and therapy programs we offer to help the elderly build strength and become more independent.
Our rehabilitation therapies such as Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy provided by highly professional therapists have helped many seniors prevent falls and strengthen their muscles.
This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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