TBI Recovery: Things To Do To Avoid Worsening Symptoms
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) may occur after an accident involving a blow or jolt to the head or body. Injuries can be mild or severe and often happen in sport or after a fall. Although brain cells do not regenerate, TBI recovery is still possible and the patient can regain lost function. However, it’s good to know what aids recovery and what the pitfalls are.
Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn NY runs TBI rehabilitation programs that include mental and physical activities specifically designed to promote TBI recovery from brain damage. People with TBI can benefit enormously from the professional supervision and care of TBI therapists.

These specialists help clients learn what activities to avoid as well as techniques to promote healing.
TBI may lead to serious complications. While the following tips are for educational purposes only, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice for TBI recovery.
Things To Avoid For TBI Recovery
Since TBI can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage, you will need to follow doctor’s orders. It’s vital that you take things easy and avoid any strenuous or stressful activities.
Activities That Are Physically Demanding
Avoid jumping, jogging, brisk walking, bending down quickly, or physically demanding housework. Sudden movements can jerk the head, aggravate brain injuries, and slow down TBI recovery.
Activities That Require A Lot Of Thinking Or Concentration
Activities that require quick thinking or deep concentration can put you at greater risk of complications. Avoid things like video games or the stress of trying to sort out your financial affairs.
Things To Do For TBI Recovery
However, there are some things you can do to promote TBI recovery. Based on your individual circumstances, therapists can guide on what exercises or other activities you can safely do.
Add Light Activities Slowly
Don’t try and do too much at the beginning – take things slowly, one step at a time. Stimulating and beneficial activities may include drawing, painting, writing, or listening to soothing music. Live music is also great for your health.
Staying Positive Is Crucial For TBI Recovery
Take part in enjoyable activities that bring a smile to your face and reduce depression, stress and anxiety. Reminiscing and talking about the good times are a great way to stay positive and engaged.
Brain-Healthy Food
A brain healthy diet is vital for your mental and physical well-being. Be sure to enjoy a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and brain food such as oily fish.
A Lot Of Sleep
A good bedtime routine is key to a good night’s sleep. People recovering from TBI need plenty of rest and quality sleep. Therapists can advise on what helps as well as things to avoid like too much TV.
Fairview Adult Day Care Center prides itself on its warm and welcoming atmosphere and world class therapists. Our varied recreation and rehabilitation programs are tailored to promote TBI recovery.
Do contact us if you would like to find out about our TBI program as well as therapies and activities we provide for adults with TBI. Feel free to call and ask us any questions and concerns you may have.
This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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