Plaque Build-Up – Causes And Symptoms You Should Know About

When fatty deposits stick to artery walls plaque builds up, restricting blood flow. Knowing about the symptoms and causes of plaque build-up can help people understand the warning signs of trouble ahead. Recognizing the symptoms can potentially give you the chance to prevent something very serious from happening.

One of the most common unpleasant things that can happen with severe plaque-build-up is a stroke. Depending on its severity it can leave you partially paralysed and reliant on the help of others. Ways to prevent such events include close monitoring of blood sugar levels and hypertension care.

Let’s take a look at some possible causes and symptoms of this disease. Don’t rely only on what you read or hear in the media. If you think you have symptoms of plaque build-up, be sure to talk to your doctor first. Don’t ignore your symptoms or try to self-medicate.

3D illustration of Plaque build-up in arteries

What Causes Plaque To Build Up In Arteries?

  • Lack of physical activity

Physical inactivity and leading an overly sedentary lifestyle are things you can do something about. Spending too much time on the couch and/or eating a poor diet can increase the risk of plaque build-up.

If you are overweight or have diabetes you need to get specialist medical advice and care to prevent serious problems.

  • Poor diet and excess weight

Health professionals strongly recommend eating a diet low in polyunsaturated fats with plenty of fresh fruit and green vegetables. High blood sugar can be another cause of plague build-up.

Fatty deposits in the arteries tend to build up over time. However, lifestyle factors and family history mean that this disease is not something that only hits the very old.

  • Stress

Long-term stress is a killer and can also increase cholesterol.

So, taking great care of your mental health is important. Consider fun activities with others, laughs and anything that makes you feel good as all this is highly beneficial. Chatting, reminiscing, laughing, singing, playing games, or even just going for a walk can greatly help stress levels.

Dancing is another great social activity with exercise benefits that get the heart and lungs moving. None of these things are cures. Rather, they are simple things you can do to help slow plaque build-up.

So, the right diet combined with exercise and plenty of fun, enjoyable, stress-busting activities is the way to go. Get a doctor to keep tabs on your blood pressure and avoid cigarette smoking.

Symptoms and Signs

Dizziness, breathlessness, tiredness, feeling lethargic, or sluggish digestion may be possible signs of heart trouble. Plaque build-up can lead to clogged arteries reducing the amount of oxygenated blood that can be pumped around the body. Memory loss may also be associated with this disease, also called atherosclerosis.

Indigestion, and leg pain may also be caused by clogged arteries. Chest pain, night sweating, heart palpitations, and erectile dysfunction in men are other possible signs of plaque build-up.

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.