What Is Holistic Nursing Care And Why Is It Important?
Holistic nursing care is deemed a mystery by many but it’s actually quite easy to comprehend. Though it’s different to the nursing care we commonly know of, it nevertheless, still has its fair share of benefits. Where conventional nursing practices are aimed at healing the person’s body and mind, holistic nursing calls for an upgrade to the practice.
What is Holistic Care
To put it in simple words, the practice focuses on healing the person through the unity of mind, body, environment, spirit and emotion. The nurses use their knowledge and therapeutic skills to take care of their patients. The combination makes up a care system where nurses believe that mental attitudes have an impact on a patient’s wellness.
Basics of Holistic Nursing Care
There’s no doubt that medical practices are what really heal people, but through the unity of a patient’s environment and their health, people can be healed as a whole. With this belief, holistic nurses use alternative or complementary modalities. This means that they incorporate their patient’s spiritual, physiological and psychological needs in their care.
The nurses’ belief is that connecting on a more personal level with their patients enhances the healing process. In order to do that, they offer religious, cultural, or spiritual methods too.
This practice is based on the following basic principles:

Show Care
Patients need to know that their nurses care for them, not just as their patients but on a deep psychological level. Holistic nurses believe that their wards will respond well to their treatments if their surroundings are positively charged.
Preserve dignity of patients
Some patients are so far gone in their illness that they entirely depend on their nurses. At times, it becomes hard to maintain their dignity when they rely on nurses to help them with even the smallest things. Here. holistic nurses show real compassion as they deal with the issues.
Help reduce their anxiety
Though nurses are generally attributed to taking care of their patient’s physical wellbeing, holistic nurses take a different approach. They work on their patients at a deeper level, in hopes of eliminating their stress.
Holistic Nursing Care at Fairview
The practice is a part of nursing services at Fairview as we try to ensure our patients’ wellbeing.
Education of self-care
Though patients are well cared for by our professional staff, we train and educate them on self-care. Our main goal is to help patients go back to their life of mobility and functionality. That’s why education of self-care is an integral part of Holistic nursing care at Fairview.
It helps prevent injuries and health decline in patients who regularly engage with nurses. It also works to foster independence with clients, in an attempt to help them prevent further deterioration.
Patient safety is an important issue at Fairview. That’s why regular family education is promoted. Our staff keeps the family updated on the patient’s health and progress by calling them.
The Holistic nursing care system uses tech non-pharmacological techniques such as relaxation. Alternative therapies such as massage, aromatherapy and recreation activities are regularly incorporated in the holistic care system.
This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
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