Can Carpal Tunnel Go Away On Its Own or Treated at Home?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of median nerve compression in the wrist. The nerve passes through the carpal tunnel between the carpal bones, hence the name carpal tunnel syndrome. This pesky condition can make simple actions difficult. People may experience pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the affected hand and wrist.

Here at Fairview Adult Day Care Center in Brooklyn, we provide a full range of rehabilitation therapies. These therapies include physical hand therapy, which our clients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome say is particularly helpful. Occupational hand therapy also helps with this condition.

Picture demonstrating nerves in hand and carpal tunnel syndrome

What happens if carpal tunnel syndrome is not treated?

Median nerve compression needs to be treated. If left untreated, the condition worsens significantly and permanent nerve damage may result. This leads to chronic pain and impaired movement and functionality in the hand muscles.

In severe cases when treatment hasn’t been carried out, surgery may be needed to relieve the nerve compression.

Can it go away on its own or treated at home?

Carpal tunnel syndrome may sometimes go away without proper treatment. However, this is the exception to the norm. Some treatments can be carried out at home.

It depends on the severity of the condition. If your doctor advises home treatments, this will usually entail stretches for the median nerve and anti-inflammatory medication.

Icing the affected hand and wrist for 10 minutes at a time may also help to relive the symptoms. Many people find that nights are the worst time for their carpal tunnel. Gently shaking and stretching the hand and wrist may help at these times.

Wearing a brace can help too. Your doctor will let you know if this is recommended for you.

What does carpal tunnel pain feel like?

Pain levels depend on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, a feeling of pins and needles is common. So is a feeling of numbness in the thumb. As carpal tunnel syndrome progresses, the pain level rises.

In other cases, a feeling of shock or shocks travelling from the wrist and through the hand may be present.

How long does this syndrome usually last?

Symptoms may be present for a few months or even a year, especially if it is treated at home. It is wise to seek help and advice for carpal tunnel before the condition starts affecting your ability to carry out tasks or even do your job.

If surgery is needed, you can expect that your grip strength and full range of motion will be back after a period of three to five months.

What is carpal tunnel caused by?

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact single cause. In fact, there may be several contributing factors including a hereditary link. Other possible links and risk factors include but are not limited to:

This article is for educational and informational purpose only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. For any questions about your own health condition, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.